BioShock – No in-game sound on Windows 8

I bought BioShock on a Steam sale once upon a time and finally got around to playing it. However, a few minutes into the game I realized that the lack of sound was not due to my character going deaf from an initial explosion. Big Daddy is gonna kill me without even making a sound After trying to tweak the sound settings without any success I came to realize that BioShock is rather old as it was released back in 2007.

WordPress xmlrpc.php - Brute Force Attacks

What was supposed to be a quiet Saturday morning quickly turned into a couple of hours trying to mitigate an increasing strain on a  WordPress based site. After getting around 800 post requests per minute to the WordPress xmlrpc.php file, resources for the site in question was getting sparse.

Arch Linux 2014 review - Livin' on the edge

I’ve not been doing any serious distro hopping since 2008 and figured it was about time to see if there is anything new under the sun. Enter Arch Linux, a highly touted and matured distribution with a development model and philosophy I can appreciate. Honestly though, writing a review of Arch is somewhat daft as each installation will depend upon your own choices and preferences. spam adverts on Android devices

What should have been a few relaxing minutes with (non Dana White approved) MMA related news on my Nexus 4, was soon to be turned into a browser hijacking battle courtesy of

Slackware 14.1 review - Into Slackness

I did a review of Slackware Linux 14.0 a year ago and I was unsure as to whether I should make another one or not. There is rarely much change from a user point of view between different Slackware releases, and I expected to end up ripping off most of my previous review. Speaking of which, for a more well rounded assessment of Slackware Linux, please check out the Slackware 14.0 review.

Windows 8.1 update - Sorry we couldn't complete the update to Windows 8.1

Having a sick day, I jumped at the opportunity to download and install the latest Windows 8.1 release on my Asus ROG Tytan CG8480 Windows 8-based gaming pc. Since the update came at a solid 3.4GB I decided to let Windows handle this one on its own. When I came back to check out my new Windows system, I was informed that Windows unfortunately couldn’t complete the update. Windows 8.1 update failed to complete.

Salix OS 14.0 Xfce review - Serenity now

Salix OS is a Slackware Linux derivative with focus on simplicity, speed and ease of use. Salix Xfce 14.0 was released on the 26th of November.

Slackware 14.0 review - The return of the dinosaur

It has been an interesting year for slackers around the world as their favorite distro has been dragged through the mud and hung out to dry.
As usual, things blow out of proportions on the interwebs and at the break of dawn the Slackware rises once more.

How to install OTRS 3.1 on CentOS 6.2 - Part 2

OTRS is the leading open-source Help Desk and IT Service Management (ITSM) solution used by thousands of organizations worldwide. This guide explains the steps involved in installing the latest OTRS release on a minimal CentOS 6.2 installation.